Bollywood diva Sonam Kapoor once said in an interview that she has one regret in her life – that she didn’t complete her graduation. 32-year-old Sonam, however, hopes to get her degree sometime. But Sonam is not the only Bollywood celeb who never graduated from college. Here is a list of some of the biggest names of Bollywood who are not yet graduates.
Salman Khan
Salman Khan dropped out of National College in Bandra. He completed his schooling from St. Stanislaus High School in Bandra, Mumbai and The Scindia School, Gwalior.
Aamir Khan
Aamir Khan passed his 12th grade from Narsee Monjee College in Mumbai. After that he decided to discontinue his studies and assist his uncle Nasir Hussain.
Akshay Kumar
Akshay Kumar enrolled himself in college but dropped out to pursue martial arts.
Sonam Kapoor
A fashionista who is the face of several brands worldwide is yet to complete her graduation.
Deepika Padukone
She went to Bangalore’s Sophia High School, and completed her pre-university education at Mount Carmel College. The Bollywood beauty then enrolled at the Indira Gandhi National Open University for a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology, but failed to complete the course.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan
Aishwarya scored 90 per cent in her HSC exams and wanted to become an architect. Aish enrolled in Raheja College of Arts but dropped out for focusing on growing modelling career.
Priyanka Chopra
The Quantico star became successful at a young age of 17 when she won the prestigious Miss World in 2000. Priyanka was then flooded with Bollywood movies offers and she chose not to complete her graduation.
Alia Bhatt
Alia finished her schooling from Jamnabai Narsee School in 2011 but she is yet to complete her graduation.
Katrina Kaif
Katrina Kaif started her modelling career at the age of 14 and this is the main reason why Katrina never went to college.
This superstar got a film offer when she was only sixteen. Kajol’s debut film was Rahul Rawail’s Bekhudi. Kajol later tried to return to college and finish her studies but she wasn’t able to.