What New Year has for You in Your Horoscope?

New Year started all around the world with great celebrations, enthusiasm, new promises, resolutions, and ambitions to make future better.

According to the yearly horoscope, 2020 will be a year when all the zodiac signs able to take advantage of a new beginning.

Both in their personal life and financially.

Some of us will focus on fun, amusement, pleasure, and hobbies, while others will use their creativity, ambition, and confidence to initiate personal and/or more extensive projects.

Astrologer says The year 2020 very important, it marks beginning of a new era: the between Jupiter-Saturn conjunction initiates a new 20 years cycle.


22 December-20 January

You own 2020, Capricorn! So many good things in store for you over the next 12 months that every day may feel like your birthday.

You’re more determined than ever about what you set your sights on, and your goals should be achievable with astounding ease.

Doors that shut will start to glide open and seemingly immovable blocks will start to just roll out of the way.

There a little more luck than usual heading your way in 2020, but there also hard work to be done and your sign never shirks on that front.


21 January-18 February

You have every reason to feel cool, calm and collected in 2020, and perhaps even a little smug!

A safety net of optimism in place for you over the next 12 months to reassure you that no matter how awkward things may feel while they’re actually happening, everything’s going to be alright.

Your sign thrives on life’s unexpected occurrences, but this not about leaving it all to Lady Luck to sort out.

The message for every sign this year that the harder you work the luckier you’ll be, but specifically for your sign a sense of inner certainty is what will ultimately will carry you through the ups and downs of the next 12 months.


19 February-20 March

Possibly more than any other sign, yours is the sign that loves company, so this year puts you in the perfect position to appreciate and celebrate friends and partners more than you’ve been able to in over a decade.

Anything collaborative and creative shines out for you now, and romance is a big part of the picture in 2020. ‘

Connections may go through changes, some quite profound.


21 March-20 April

2020 is the year to put all your new experiences into action, in particular by channeling them into your career.

You might find that your workload increases in 2020, or that you get to work overseas, or retrain, or in a role that has you sharing your knowledge with co-workers.

You might even start laying foundations for your own business in 2021, as freedom and happiness will be the rewards for all the hard work you put in this year. This could mean some changes in your home life to accommodate new work routines.


21 April-21 May

Your well-organised world is about to go into a whirl of crazy, chaotic fabulousness.

Everything new is your playground now and though it may seem daunting at first you’re going to love it.

New opportunities may open up for you, with chances to travel or explore, or to share your ‘out there’ ideas on the internet.

You could try to over-reach in these areas this year but you also have a handy safety net to prevent you going too far over the top.

New ways of connecting and communicating, or being heard and seen all on offer for you in the year ahead.


22 May-21 June

2020 is a big year for you, but you might not get the full sense of this until half way through the year around the time of your birthday season.

Until then, your key concerns likely to revolve around money.

You’ve seen and felt changes in your values and your earning potential since 2019, and that continues now with the emphasis on building stronger foundations for your financial plans.


22 June-22 July

Life has felt very different for you lately but you should be getting the hang of this unusually empowering feeling that’s been rising up within you over the past 13 months.

It’s not just you, it’s women globally.

There’s a revolution going on in your sign, the most womanly of all the signs and the one that’s ruled by the very female-friendly, public-opinion oriented Moon.


23 July-23 August

Getting yourself into good shape is your priority throughout 2020.

If at first you don’t succeed you’ll have two excellent windows of opportunity in June and July to really get all fired up to get things moving.

It could involve a change of attitude or trying a wellness method you’d not considered before.

This focus on fitness all year doesn’t mean you can’t indulge in the pleasures and playfulness that your fun-loving sign is famous for.

Around mid-year, your life plan and game plan may change so that collaborations with your closest friends or with groups you hang out with become super important.

Your mantra in 2020 is ‘the more the merrier’, as a team mentality and mutual coaching or support gives you extra prowess in all you do this year.


24 August-22 September

Virgos love to do things ‘properly’, whether it’s learning a new skill or nurturing a romance.

You get to apply your legendary perfectionist standards to both of these areas in 2020 as they are two of the key areas for change and development for you over the coming 12 months.

You might take on more than you can manage initially with a creative or romantic challenge, but you’re blessed with a little extra luck on your side now and persistence will pay off, leaving you with tangible and long-lasting results for your efforts.

This could involve creating a work of artistic genius, or committing to a lover who wants to be with you longterm, or potentially even making baby plans.


23 September-23 October

Home and work are where it’s all happening for you in 2020.

If it feels like your career being reshaped and that you’re doing things you never thought you’d be involved in, that’s fate playing out exactly as it should.

This might have been at the expense of your home-life in 2019 but this year you get to find a balance, as where or how you live are also set to be happier and more solid than you’ve experienced for some time.

There may be changes, a move, even a phase of living far from your usual home base.

You might have wanderlust that takes you on a year long journey to ‘find yourself’ or find your spiritual home, but however this pans out for you a sense of freedom will be the result of your quest.


24 October-22 November

All the pent-up emotion you’ve had to suppress lately gets to be expressed in 2020.

If it’s felt like no-one’s been listening to you,

Or that people just don’t ‘get’ you, it’s because your unique voice, thoughts and ideas need to come out in ways that might be easier for others to understand.

A blog, a novel, a self-help vlog – one or more of these options has the potential to be unleashed from within your soul this year.

It won’t be easy, but it will be worth all the effort in the long run.

You’ll be taken more seriously if you remember to insert a sense of humor to soften your often intense delivery style.

You might decide to develop your talent undercover or out of sight (you’re such a secretive sign), then casually reveal the stunning work you’ve created that makes everyone’s jaws drop. You never like to play your hand too soon and this year more than ever that rings true.


23 November-21 December

This is a huge year for you.

2020 is here and all about getting serious.

This mainly linked to your finances which might have taken a hit in your quest for pleasure over the past 12 months.

A new budget and some new strategies will need to be put into place.

Harsh as that may sound now, you’re going to love the result as when life takes an unusual and intriguing turn of events at the end of this year you’ll see how managing your resources better will put you in a fabulous position for 2021.

By mid 2020 you’ll have got the hang of this whole new financial thing anyway, since you’re so adaptable and a fast learner.

It will be life changing.

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