5 Drinks That Are Just as Unhealthy as Soda

Yo Guys we bring some healthy tips about drinks  Watch out for  These 5 Drinks That Are Just as Unhealthy as Soda

A cold, soft bubbly  drink may be hard to resist, but resist it you should. A study at Tufts University found that sugary drinks kill up to 184,000 people a year. By now, you’re probably used to hearing that soda is bad for you, but the true killer is sugar, which is found (in scary quantities) in many drinks you probably consume daily.  In 2010, almost half of Americans’ added sugar consumption came from sugar-laden drinks.

1.Fruit Juice


A cup of grape juice has 31 grams of sugar, which is scarily close to the 44 grams found in a can of lemon-lime soda. Even if you only drink 100% fruit juice, you’ll still be consuming high levels of natural sugar. Instead of orange juice, have an orange. Eating the actual fruit over the fruit’s juice will keep you full longer and supply your body with dietary fiber, which is lost in juice-form.

2. Energy drinks



The scary-high caffeine and sugar content, when consumed regularly, is known to impact mental health, cardiovascular health, and sleep. Energy drinks like Red Bull, Monster, 5-Hour ENERGY, and Rockstar get their energy-jolting reputation from controversial supplements like taurine, ginseng, and guarana.  One lab test done by Forbes found that a tiny bottle of 5-Hour ENERGY has anywhere from 150 to 210 grams of caffeine. Most energy drinks contain around 30 grams of sugar per serving.

3. Iced tea


iced tea is a staple, and why not? Tea is full of antioxidants, but unfortunately, the beverage’s health benefits get lost under the amount of sugar that are often mixed in. One popular brand has over 30 grams of added sugar in one bottle. If you love iced tea but don’t want to drink your dessert, opt for an unsweetened iced tea and then mix in some honey or a single packet of sugar.

4. Coconut Flavored  water


High Percentage coconut water options on your grocery store shelves that advertise their ability to hydrate you naturally. It sounds good, and the sweet taste may cinch the deal, but before you make coconut water part of your daily diet, read the label. When coconut water is flavored, the electrolyte and potassium-packed drink goes from being super healthy to super sugary. One small 16-ounce container of flavored coconut water can pack in more than 30 grams of sugar.

5. Sporty drinks


Gatorade replaces the fluids and electrolytes lost during an intense workout, the cons may outweigh the pros. A study by the University of Tennessee College of Dentistry found that after Red Bull, Gatorade was the most harmful drink for your teeth, topping Coca-Cola. A 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade has 34 grams of sugar, and worse yet, the G2 variety is packed with artificial sweeteners to keep it low in calories.

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